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Lorenza Ilia Manfredi

Ente di appartenenza: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
La dr. Lorenza-Ilia Manfredi dal 1988 come ricercatore presso l’ICFP, poi ISCIMA, ora ISMA, con incarichi di coordinamento e responsabilità di progetti di ricerca e di collaborazione con istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali, svolge la sua attività scientifica nell'ambito dell' archeologia, della storia, della linguistica e della numismatica fenicia e punica con particolare attenzione agli studi sulle testimonianze puniche in Nord Africa.
I miei studi: Specialization Diploma in Archaeology (1985), University of Bologna; Degree in History (1987). 2013-2017: Italian project leader of agreement between the INSAP- Morocco and the Université Moulay Ismaïl di Meknès: "The ancient mines of Morocco: archaeological and archaeometric study"; 2013-2016: Project leader of the archaeological mission (co-financed CNR- Italian Foreign Office) "Prospezioni archeologiche nel Medio Atlas per la ricostruzione dei contesti archeometallurgici punici del Maghreb"; to 2013: Responsible of the Agreement with the Department of Environmental Biology, University Sapienza of Rome. To 2013: Head of ISMA project “Research on Phoenician in Northern Africa and Atlantic Area: archaeology, numismatics and economic history”. 2012-2013: Italian project leader of Bilateral Agreement with CNRST-Marocco with a project "Phoenician-Punic Archaeology, Geology, Archaeometry, territorial information systems, mining history". from 2012: Expert of EACEA-UE Agency; From 2010: Technical-scientific Expert, Albo Nazionale Esperti Ricerca Industriale del MIUR and Tutor for Pon project ; from 2012: Italian project leader of :Bilateral Agreement with the Geophysical Center of the University of Evora (CGE-UE), Evora, Portugal; the Convention of International cooperation with the Université de Neuchâtel; Italian project leader of Bilateral Agreement with CReSTIC, LERI and GEGENAA, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne; Project leader of”; 2006-2012. Project leader of the archaeological mission (co-financed CNR-Italian Foreign Office) in Algeria, of the exposition “The trade routes between the Mediterranean and Black Africa”, and of the training restoration course for the exposition; 2014: Academic Teacher of DIPLOMAzia Master (CNR and Italian Ministry of Foreign Office). Specialization Diploma in Archaeology (1985), University of Bologna; Degree in History (1987). 2013-2017: Italian project leader of agreement between the INSAP- Morocco and the Université Moulay Ismaïl di Meknès: "The ancient mines of Morocco: archaeological and archaeometric study"; 2013-2016: Project leader of the archaeological mission (co-financed CNR- Italian Foreign Office) "Prospezioni archeologiche nel Medio Atlas per la ricostruzione dei contesti archeometallurgici punici del Maghreb"; to 2013: Responsible of the Agreement with the Department of Environmental Biology, University Sapienza of Rome. To 2013: Head of ISMA project “Research on Phoenician in Northern Africa and Atlantic Area: archaeology, numismatics and economic history”. 2012-2013: Italian project leader of Bilateral Agreement with CNRST-Marocco with a project "Phoenician-Punic Archaeology, Geology, Archaeometry, territorial information systems, mining history". from 2012: Expert of EACEA-UE Agency; From 2010: Technical-scientific Expert, Albo Nazionale Esperti Ricerca Industriale del MIUR and Tutor for Pon project ; from 2012: Italian project leader of :Bilateral Agreement with the Geophysical Center of the University of Evora (CGE-UE), Evora, Portugal; the Convention of International cooperation with the Université de Neuchâtel; Italian project leader of Bilateral Agreement with CReSTIC, LERI and GEGENAA, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne; Project leader of”; 2006-2012. Project leader of the archaeological mission (co-financed CNR-Italian Foreign Office) in Algeria, of the exposition “The trade routes between the Mediterranean and Black Africa”, and of the training restoration course for the exposition; 2014: Academic Teacher of DIPLOMAzia Master (CNR and Italian Ministry of Foreign Office).